Ghee in Coffee: Why We Blend Them Together for the Perfect Cup

Ghee in Coffee: Why We Blend Them Together for the Perfect Cup

The idea of adding butter and coconut oil to coffee has gained popularity over the past few years. Today we are sharing the reasons why adding ghee in coffee is a better idea than butter, and how doing so will create a delicious drink with surprising benefits.  The bottom of this article is to use ghee butter in tea or other hot drinks.

Do you already add ghee to your coffee? If not, try it. Your instincts may be thanking you 

Some coffee drinkers complain about the acidity in coffee, which affects their intestines and digestive systems.  Using ghee helps reduce acidity and inflammation in a number of ways.  First, the calcium in ghee neutralizes the effects of the acid. Butyrate is a short-chain fatty acid found in ghee that has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects.

Ghee in coffee: why butter isn’t better than ghee 

Ghee is a great addition to coffee for several main reasons.  First, ghee is made from pure butterfat, which is rich in vitamins A, D, and K, omega-3s, and omega-6s (especially if the ghee comes from grass-fed buffalo, which produces richer milk.  nutrients).  Ghee is derived from butter whose water content, proteins, and sugars have been cooked.

If you use butter instead of margarine in your coffee, it will add moisture, sugars, and proteins.  The water content will affect the taste of the coffee, making it slightly diluted.  The sugars and proteins in butter can make it difficult for some people to digest. Moreover, the fats in margarine help slow down the absorption of coffee.  This, in turn, prevents insulin spikes and low blood sugar. 

Not a coffee drinker? You can add ghee into your tea, too!

You can turn your favorite tea into a latte by adding a little ghee.  The best way to do this is to emulsify it.  There are emulsifying mixers on the market, but any regular mixer will do.  When you add some ghee to your favorite chai blend, you will experience a delicious drink that recalls its origins in Ayurvedic medicine in India.

How to add ghee to your coffee

Start with a cup of coffee made to your liking.  Add a teaspoon or two of ghee, depending on how much coffee you want to drink and how buttery you want.  a teaspoon to a tablespoon, depending on the flavor you want.  Then emulsify your drink until it becomes frothy.

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