The Goodness of Organic Ghee

The Goodness of Organic Ghee

More and more chefs and nutritionists around the world are talking about the wonders and benefits of cooking with clarified butter. Ghee has a much higher burning point than oil or butter, making it a particularly versatile medium for cooking. You can use it as a spread, toss with it and fry it. Whatever you do, you will savor the taste. 

And it’s super healthy too! Ghee contains fats that are good for you! It helps you lose weight rather than pile you on the pounds. Currently, naturally saturated fats, such as those found in grass-fed organic ghee, are beneficial to your health. And ghee from I Says Organic is preserved with all goodness – and without the problems of commercially produced ghee. 

The fallacy of “Low Fat, High Carbs

The “low fat, high carbohydrate” diet is a myth born out of a 1950s report known as the Fat Hypothesis, which is now largely on the verge of being entirely discredited. There are many reasons for this: 

1. Having a certain amount of fats in your diet is essential for wellness. It helps your skin against premature aging – and helps maintain healthy nerves and brain cells. 

2. The stomach lining also requires some fat to keep itself strong and protect us from the acids needed for digestion. 

3. Small amounts of natural saturated fats help keep stomach problems such as ulcers at bay. 

I say that organic ghee is intuitive for all these needs of the human body. It transmits the benefits of the best essential fatty acids without the problems of oxidized cholesterol, trans-fatty acids, or hydrogenated fats. It is also salt and lactose-free. 

Bad Fats: What are they

All of this brings us to the big question: what are these facts that you need to keep away from? The wrong type of fat for your body is polyunsaturated and saturated fat, which causes obesity and increases cholesterol levels because your body is unable to digest them properly. You’re most likely to find these types of fats in products disguised as ghee: hydrogenated vegetable oils or even heated milk fat. 

The Ayurvedic Method of Preparation

The Ashram buffalo that our ghee comes from can only nibble on grass that is 100% free of pesticides and chemicals. This is important because Buffalo that only eats organic grass produces milk that is high in CLA. 

What is CLA ?

CLA stands for conjugated linoleic acid, “an antioxidant and essential fatty acid that has been reported to have carcinogenic and other beneficial physiological effects”. CLA-rich milk in turn leads to CLA-rich ghee. 

This method of making organic ghee has been tried and tested for over 5000 years! First, organic whole milk is completely churned, by hand, to make the curd. This curd is then further churned to make butter. This butter is heated on a stove and voila! You have beautiful, fresh Organic Ghee. All the dairy products used to make the organic ghee are themselves 100% organic, across the board; and the methods for their preparation are followed to the letter.

Ayurveda considers ghee a “superfood” and prescribes it medicinally to help with problems related to the eyes and nose. Ashram’s Organic ghee is medicinal, as it follows the texts prescribed in Ayurveda.  

By purchasing organic ghee, you are ensuring that you are cooking using a medium known to be extremely healthy. In this way, you not only ensure your health and well-being, but also the health of your family and other loved ones.

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